Welcome to Montage Support Services

Montage Support Services delivers person-inspired services to people who require diverse supports. We are dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals, families and communities

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Welcome to Montage Support Services

Montage Support Services delivers person-inspired services to people who require diverse supports. We are dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals, families and communities

Our Mission Services Careers

Welcome to Montage Support Services

Montage Support Services delivers person-inspired services to people who require diverse supports. We are dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals, families and communities

Our Mission Services Careers

Welcome to Montage Support Services

Montage Support Services delivers person-inspired services to people who require diverse supports. We are dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals, families and communities

Our Mission Services Careers

Welcome to Montage Support Services

Montage Support Services delivers person-inspired services to people who require diverse supports. We are dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals, families and communities

Our Mission Services Careers

Welcome to Montage Support Services

Montage Support Services delivers person-inspired services to people who require diverse supports. We are dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals, families and communities

Our Mission Services Careers

Happy young woman with paint on her face.

Montage May Blog

Tullio Orlando, Ph.D. MSW RSW, CEO, Montage

Navigating the Complex Relationship Between Equality and Diversity

 Tullio Orlando

 In contemporary social justice and inclusion discussions, two terms often come to the forefront: equality and diversity. While both are central to creating inclusive societies and workplaces, they represent different concepts and approaches to fairness and inclusion. Understanding the relationship between equality and diversity is crucial for navigating the complexities of modern social dynamics.


 Equality is a foundation of fairness and the principle of treating everyone the same, providing equal opportunities, and ensuring that everyone has access to the same resources, rights, and protections. The idea of equality is deeply rooted in the history of social justice movements, advocating all individuals should be treated without discrimination based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.

 From a legal and policy perspective, equality aims to eliminate barriers that lead to discrimination and ensure that everyone has the same chance to succeed. This is often achieved through anti-discrimination laws, equal opportunity policies, and efforts to level the playing field in education, employment, and other areas of society.


 Diversity, on the other hand, embraces dissimilarities and emphasizes the recognition and celebration of differences. It acknowledges that individuals come from various backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, and that these differences enrich society. Diversity encourages the inclusion of people with diverse identities, perspectives, and ideas, recognizing that embracing these differences fosters creativity, innovation, and social cohesion.

 In workplaces and educational settings, diversity initiatives often focus on increasing representation of underrepresented groups, fostering inclusive environments, and encouraging cross-cultural understanding. Diversity can be seen as a strength, allowing organizations and communities to draw from a broader range of experiences and viewpoints.

 While equality and diversity are distinct concepts, they intersect in important ways. To achieve true equality, society must embrace diversity and ensure that people from all backgrounds have equitable access to opportunities and resources. To foster genuine diversity, institutions must work toward equality by removing systemic barriers and promoting inclusion.

 However, achieving a balance between equality and diversity can be challenging. Efforts to promote equality might focus on standardizing treatment, which can sometimes overlook the unique needs of diverse groups. Conversely, diversity initiatives may emphasize differences without addressing the underlying inequalities that persist in society.

 To navigate the complex relationship between equality and diversity, it is crucial to adopt a holistic approach that considers both concepts. This involves creating inclusive environments that respect and value diversity while ensuring that everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources. Organizations and communities must work to eliminate discrimination, promote equitable practices, and create spaces where everyone feels valued and included. Ultimately, the goal is to create a society for equality and diversity to coexist, allowing individuals to thrive regardless of their background or identity.

 By embracing both principles, we can build a more just and inclusive world that celebrates the richness of human diversity while ensuring fairness and equity for all.

Our Support Services

Fundraising Makes All the Difference

Making Work Work Logo

Making Work Work

This is a foundation that identifies and builds on the innate gifts, talents and skills development of each person. By focussing on the core interests and ‘gift’ of the person, we can be part of that integral first step to navigate someone towards work and volunteer experiences where the true essence of their skills can be utilized and where their contribution is needed and valued.

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Plan Your Own Event

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Person working as part of Montage's Making Work Work program.

My son has such a positive outlook since beginning the Discovery stream. He has been feeling bad about not working, and you have given him more confidence about his future”

K. Shearer (parent)